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Colon and rectum is the final phase of the digestive system. They are considered the ultimate food before they are eliminated from the body. They are also the site of one of the deadliest forms of cancer in the industrialized world, colon cancer. One of the most common forms of cancer in developed countries worldwide with over 600 000 deaths, colorectal cancer truly deadly disease. Overall, colorectal cancer develops natural growths, called polyps. While it is unclear why this generally benign company was dangerous, in theory, do many doctors and scientists that some modernization with the lifestyle of the citizens of the countries. This is the relationship between certain behaviors and the occurrence of cancer. This is in some sense, good news because it means that we more about how lead a healthier life, we may be able to reduce the number of victims to get colon cancer. Despite the countless number of screening methods for detection of colorectal cancer are relatively low amount of the check. It is believed to be due to the sensitivity of the people in this part of the body of invasive screening methods and the inability of people to carry out tests of self-determination. Screening Methods range from manual test by inserting a finger into the area to feel abnormal growth, a technologically advanced testing, double contrast barium enema as. Unfortunately includes most of the screening test invasive procedure, is introduced with particular instruments in the large intestine (, sigmoidoscopies colonoscopy). In the awkwardness of this process is a strong deterrent effect on people, unfortunately, leads to higher mortality. Reputation Colorectal cancer is the West suggest that there is a cultural element. In the relationship between certain habits and appearance. Studies think lack of exercise, unless one is little or no physical exercise during the week can contribute to the development of cancer. Other behaviors that may increase the risk of colon cancer is diet. There are links between diets rich in red meat or sausage products and high-cancer polyps in the colon system. Also on the content of the food intake of total calories, which is far above the recommended amount, is also a strong indicator of risk. Taken together, these factors can increase the risk of a significant amount.

It is no coincidence that these factors sedentary, high-calorie, high intake of meat, are red, characteristic of the modern diet in many Western industrial countries, especialy the United States, where colon cancer is the fourth most common type. The downside is that not by focusing on prevention, check, and especially the adherence to a diet and exercise program that protects against cancer, we can reduce the risk of over 50%. It is important to realize that our eating habits and behaviors have serious consequences on the street. At the same time, better now changed, we can increase the likelihood of the use of a long and healthy life. DISCLAIMER
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